Tag Archives: Deadliest Catch

October 2: Into the Bering Sea…


At 1600, it was time to cast off the lines and head out into the Bering Sea, and apparently some rough weather.  In the safety of Dutch Harbor, the weather seemed fine although a bit rainy, but beyond this safety, the Bering Sea was living up to her reputation.  There is always a strange feeling when the ship leaves the dock and you know that there is no turning back.  It is hard to describe, something between nervous and excitement, anticipation of the unknown…perhaps that is what is best about going to sea.


Leaving Port


Heading out to Sea


So with that, we were off, leaving port to begin our journey north to the Bering Strait and into the Arctic Ocean.  It will be around a three-day steam to our first stop where we will pick up a mooring before heading through the Bering Strait.  Hopefully the weather will not be terrible.  We are trying to skirt in between two low pressure systems that would bring some rough weather.  But right out of Dutch, the Healy started rocking and rolling and we started feeling the fury of the Bering Sea with 40 knot winds and some big swells.  Hopefully it will calm down a bit…


The Bering Sea with Dutch Harbor in the distance