Author Archives: Gaelin



After a bit of time on land, it is time for Gaelin and Global Ocean Exploration to head back out to sea.  We will be embarking on the R/V Celtic Explorer departing from Killybegs, Ireland and heading north into the Norwegian Sea.  Gaelin is honored to be carrying the Explorers Club Flag #81 on this expedition.  

The purpose of the voyage is to track Atlantic Salmon Migration at Sea.  The scientists I will be working with have completed a comprehensive genetic map of the rivers of Northern Europe and now are taking their sampling out into the ocean where they will collect specimens in order to add the ocean migrations into this map.  Understanding where the Atlantic Salmon go once they leave the rivers is of vital importance to creating conservation strategies for this fish prized for food and sport fishing.  

Currently, I am finishing my preparations to fly out to Ireland this evening where I will visit the Marine Institute, get some final safety certifications and then head out to sea on Tuesday.  Stay tuned to the blog for updates about the voyage and the science, and lots of pictures!  


Map of Voyage


We are hoping to be updating on Facebook and Twitter as well.  For Facebook, become a fan of Global Ocean on our page: FACEBOOK LINK.  For Twitter, find us @gaelinr.  




Exciting things are happening here at Global Ocean Exploration!  Sorry for the lack of posts but we are working on a new blog that will be ready to go soon.  Right now, I would like to announce the posting of the entire “Bering Sea Ice Expedition” webisode series on our website.  Episode 6, The Journey, is the latest and it takes you from St Paul through the expedition to disembarking in Dutch Harbor.  I hope you enjoy it.


We are busy planning expeditions for the summer so stay tuned for updates. 




Two additional webisodes have been added to the site, Multicore Sampling and Sampling the Water.  I hope you enjoy them!  

To watch them in HD, follow this link:


We will be adding a lot more material in the coming weeks so make sure to check often to learn more about our expeditions!  




There are a lot of exciting things in store for Global Ocean Exploration Inc in 2009. We are looking forward to a great year of expeditions, new online material including a new website and new and improved “webisodes.” Stay tuned for the new developments in early 2009! In the meantime, we would like to wish everyone happy holidays and all the best for a wonderful 2009 filled with exploration!  




The End of the Expedition



It is always bittersweet when an expedition comes to an end.  From start to finish, this expedition was filled with the excitement of the unknown and the magical, from flying into the fog of St. Paul to frolicking on the Bering Sea ice.  I am very excited about all of the work I accomplished and look forward to editing and putting everything together to share, but at the same time, I was not ready to come back to the bustling city. 


A tremendous amount of amazing cutting edge science was accomplished and I look forward to seeing how all of the scientists collaborate to make the project come alive and gain a more complete understanding of the Bering Sea ecosystem. 

I want to thank all of the scientists who allowed me to follow and learn about their work, and the crew of the USCGC Healy.  In particular, I would like to thank Dr. Carin Ashjian, the chief scientist of the expedition, and Captain Lindstrom.  It was a fantastic expedition and I look forward to many more in the future. 


Stay tuned for video, photos and links to publications!